Sunday, September 10, 2017

Toddler Snack Ideas

Are you like me who’s running out of snack ideas for the little one? 🤔 Weekly, I write down a meal plan for the next seven days and it’s not easy! Good thing there’s Mr. Google to help me out. Below is a list of chows, the first several ones are those that Lia loves and always looks for when it’s merienda time. 👍

(Warning for the sticklers though, I am not extremely fussy when it comes to what my daughter eats. We try to be healthy but I let her enjoy food as much as I do, and both of us have a sweet tooth. 🍰 Don't shoot me, please.)

  • Yogurt and Biscuit.  These two go together for Lia. Her favorite yogurt is Nestle Fruit Selection (Heavenly Mango and Buco Nata Delight) which is always matched with Marie Gold biscuit. 

  • Fresh Fruits. Lia loves mango and ponkan and grapes! We rarely give her apples and bananas because she gets easily constipated.
  • Cheese. We prepare cheddar cheese in cubes and this is what we usually bring to school.

  • Cereal.  Lia loves her Koko Krunch, Honey Stars, and Kellogg’s Froot Loops!

  • Pasta.  Pasta is always specific for Lia – Jollibee spaghetti only!
  • Packed Biscuit Snacks. Lia’s lineup includes Hello Panda, Choco and Milky Knots, Knick Knacks, Chocolate Pretzels, and Cubee wafers! We should let her try Eggnog and Breadsticks soon.
  • Packed Baked Goodies. Fudgee Bar and Lemon Square cupcakes are always on Lia's list.

          And these are those that haven't made it yet to her weekly snack plan:
  • Hard-boiled egg
  • Oatmeal
  • Popcorn
  • Ice Pops
  • Camote Cue
  • Peanut Butter Sandwich
  • Pizza 
  • Smoothies and Fruit Shakes
  • Raisins


It's pretty simple for us, you see. I've read a lot of other food ideas, most of which include a recipe or preparation instructions. Unfortunately, this mommy here does not have the luxury of time for that. Or maybe I'm just lazy?😁 

How about you?  If you have your own quick and easy snack ideas for kids, please feel free to share! 


  1. hello mommy.
    i wish my baby will eat the same food as other baby eats - mine doesn't want wafers or biscuits or chocolate. her snacks include bananas, yogurt, bread, watermelon.. :(

    so whenever we go out, i have to prepare a bunch of containers for different snacks and meals.

    can you give us some tips how you made lia eat normal adult food ? :)


    1. Hi mommy Jennilyn! :) You're actually very lucky that your little one prefers healthy snacks! I'd want that very much for Lia but she easily gets sawa. We were able to make her eat normal adult food by eating in front of her, hehe. Whatever we eat, she wants to try also. And that includes junk food, huhu. Maybe you can try that but be more selective than we are. :)

  2. Hey,
    my kid loves watermelon snacks a lot :) she could only eat it! The funny thing is when we feed our baby girl her formula, it's the organic combiotic formula from, our older child also always wants some :)
    I don't really know if this is healthy but I think it doesn't do any damage :D


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