Friday, August 15, 2014

Dreams Do Come True

When God plants a dream in your heart, nurture it and have faith. Believe that it will come true, because it will. I know it. It has happened to me.

Almost a year ago, I declared my greatest dream in this blog, and that’s my dream of becoming a mommy. At that time, my hubby and I had already been waiting for 7 months, and there were moments when I would feel very concerned and paranoid. We waited and waited, and during all those times, our prayers were never without that dream. Despite the occasional anxiety, we had always known that God will make it come true, because He planted it in our hearts in the first place. He was just waiting for the perfect time. 

After about one year and seven months of active trying, God has finally given Heaven the green light. Our little angel is coming! :)

As of this writing, I am already 5 weeks and 2 days pregnant! Yippee!

Test taken on August 11. :) This was my 3rd!
The first two taken on Aug 09 & 10 showed very faint lines.

I wonder why God chose this time to reveal to us His perfectly-wrapped gift.  Is it because it's now been 6 years since Rolly and I became boyfriend and girlfriend (I said 'yes' on 8-8-8)?  Is it because we're nearing our 2nd year anniversary as husband and wife?  I will never find out.  All I know is that I have been blessed with a very loving and supportive husband who has given me so much joy and happiness as we waited together for our bundle of joy.  With him, I never got bored of my life as a wife despite the absence of a baby.  Now that the munchkin is on his/her way, I'm bursting with excitement because I know that life will be so much happier... and complete. :)
Maraming salamat, Panginoon! :)


Jeremiah 29:11
"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, 
plans for welfare and not for evil, 
to give you a future and a hope."



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