Saturday, May 9, 2020

Finding Myself in Motherhood

If there’s one change that has had the most powerful impact in my life, it’s becoming a mom. My world shifted 180 degrees and there’s no turning back. Suddenly, I was no longer the old me. I’ve become selfless and strong, sensitive but invincible, discovering things in myself that I didn’t know existed. Everyday, I find myself in a roller coaster of happiness and worry, delight and exasperation, energy and exhaustion. But despite the steep slopes and tight turns, I feel the purest kind of love and joy in my heart that no tantrum or meltdown can erase. Others say that you will lose yourself when you become a mom. I disagree. It’s in motherhood that I found who I was always meant to be.

Tuesday, May 5, 2020


While working, my five-year old daughter walked up to me and I cupped her cheeks in my hands.

I said, "I love you."

In response, she cupped my face, too, and whispered,

"Me too. Even if you get mad at me sometimes."

I was moved.

There is really nothing as beautiful and pure as the heart of a child. 💕


Everyday, make it a habit to count your blessings. Not just the big ones, but especially the little things usually ignored. Food on the table. Clean water. The smell of coffee. A bed to sleep in. The presence of family. Friends. A home. 

Name each blessing and you’ll find yourself in love with the life you have. Pay closer attention to the positive instead of the negative. To the highs instead of the lows. To the favors instead of the troubles. Pause, look around you, and choose to be genuinely grateful today. I tell you, it’s a wonderful, powerful feeling that will strum a lot of happy strings in your heart.

Friday, May 1, 2020

Right on Schedule

Do you like waiting? Maybe not. In a fast paced world like ours, we are hardwired to want everything now. Immediately. In an instant. When God asks us to wait for something important to us -- a child to be conceived, a promotion we feel is overdue, a painful trial to be over — time appears to stand still and we wallow in sadness, anxiety, and disappointment. But did you know? As you wait, God isn’t only getting things ready for you, He is also getting YOU ready for them. Let go and have faith. Trust that His timing is impeccable, not a moment early or late. Don’t worry, what is meant for you will come right on schedule. And when it’s finally there, you will know why the wait was necessary.

© Mommy Joys | Marriage, Motherhood, Life.. Made with love by The Dutch Lady Designs.