Sunday, February 28, 2016

Eleven Months

Happy 11 months, my baby Lia! I can't believe we are now down to your last monthly birthday before you hit the BIG ONE! Time flies!!! This line is probably one of the most overused when I talk about you, my love.  Before I know it, baka dalaga ka na agaaaad. Waaaah, I am not ready for that yet!  So for now, let me focus on the moment.  Lia at 11!

Taken this morning on our way to church. :)

One of your recent milestones is your ability to stand on your own for about 5 seconds each time (the very first time you did this was on Feb 16, I took note of it!;)) Yep! You have learned the art of balancing.  I could see how careful you are every time you do it, game face on, arms stretched out on your sides, your butt ready and 'alert' in case you fall. :) There's fear, I can sense it, but you try and try nevertheless. Attagirl! We are very proud of you, young lady. :)

One of your practice sessions with daddy. :)
Please excuse his half-nakedness. =D

I think you are able to understand already, a bit, that is. You already know how to tease! When you see me approaching to get you from your daddy or your nanny, you will face the other side and giggle. Then you'll glance back at me to see if I still want you in my arms, then you'll do the teasing all over again!  Too funny and cute. Hehe.

Speaking of cute, you've got additional cute teeth! Last month you had four, now they're almost six! Two on the upper gum, two below, and two little canine teeth (or cuspids) on the side which aren't very visible yet.  I say almost six because these tiny cuspids haven't really emerged fully yet.  They're a little shy and slow. Hehe.

Presenting your upper incisors that are one seat apart. =P

This phase is the most talkative you have been, so far.  You've invented weird combinations of syllables, and you babble and babble endlessly, and loudly! :) You are a noisy, little nene. I wish one day you'll say mommy or daddy and mean it.  Because right now, they still seem like they're empty words.  Hopefully next month, darling? :)

Speaking of babbling, you've been doing strange things with your mouth, Lia. You love turning yourself into a duck by pouting those yummy lips of yours.  I think it has become a mannerism, you do it not only once in every hour. You even pout more frequently than you smile. Hahaha. Cuuuuuute!  Be careful though, baka mahipan ka ng masamang hangin and that antic becomes permanent!  Halaaaa!

See? I caught you pouting in this month's diaper shot! :))

Last but not the least, you've been doing something sweet but curious lately.  When mommy is lying on the bed, you go to me, lift my shirt, stare at my tummy, and kiss it!  I wonder why. My ugly stretchmarks have not faded, aren't you scared of how my stomach looks? Or do you see it like it's ensaymada? But you haven't seen ensaymada, so that can't be it. Hmm. Perhaps you know that you've caused my tummy zigzags, so kissing them could be your way of saying sorry. Haha. I am obviously over-wondering. Whatever it is, my heart just melts every time you kiss me, lovey. You are very sweet like your daddy.  I love you!

So that's about it!  Next month, it will already be your 1st birthday!  Let the countdown to #LiaLoopsyTurns1 start now! :)

Today's handa: cake, KFC chicken bucket, spaghetti, and ice cream! :)


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