Saturday, June 11, 2011

10 Useless Things about Me That You Probably Didn’t Know

All because I am bored and I want to kill time, I'm writing down Joyce-centric things again which have absolutely no use for you.  You may or may not go on reading. :)  But since you're already here, you might as well proceed.

Some stuff about me that you probably had no idea of:

1.  I am scared of frogs. I can stand cockroaches and rats and lizards, but NOT frogs. Good thing we don’t see them lurking around often.

2.  I can live without television. You won’t always see me turning on the TV, and if I do, it’s only because I have to. If not for my job now where I really need to be exposed and see media advertisements, I would have traded my TV for a pile of books.

3. Needless to say and related to number two, yeah, I’m a bookworm. Reading makes me happy, even to the point when my head is already throbbing coz my eyes are already too tired. When I was a child and we would go to the mall, I would ask mommy to leave me at the bookstore while she went grocery shopping. My first book collection was R.L. Stine’s Goosebumps. :)

4. I love buying makeup, but that’s it. I don’t normally use them. One-third of my cosmetics still remain untouched and unused. I’m satisfied by merely looking at them.

5. If you think a ‘normal’ girl my age has a beauty ritual (i.e. using face wash, toner, moisturizer, lotion, scrub, etc.), well, you could call me abnormal. Not until this year, I didn’t have anything like that in my daily regimen. I use whatever soap’s in the bathroom, I never put on lotion, I did not have any cream or moisturizer or anything like that on my dresser. In short, I did not care. I was like a boy. Only when someone asked me about things like these and told me “May babae pa palang ganyan,” did I start to become conscious. Heck, I wouldn’t wanna be called abnormal. I’ve always been girly but in only in my demeanour, not in the things that I use on myself. Now things have changed. :) I’ve improved! I use lotion already whenever I remember to, hehe. And sunblock! Pero yun lang. :) One step at a time.

6. I serve as a lector in church. Every Sunday, you would see me wearing a barong and a black knee-length skirt, holding a big book called the Lectionary while I walk down the church’s aisle at the beginning of the mass. During these times, I look and feel like a Manang but that’s fine. :) Anything for the Lord.

7. I am not creative. Not at all. I can’t do anything pretty with my hands.

8. I easily get lost and I don’t have a photographic memory. Even if I’ve already gone to the same place several times, I would still need a map or a good set of directions so I know I’m on the right path.

9. I am not a beach person. I am not fascinated by the sand or the water or the shoreline or the horizon. Sunset? May be. But the beach itself, nah.

10. I easily forget. That’s why photos, letters, and the like are essential to keeping my memories alive. I always fail to remember birthdays! Good thing there’s my trusty calendar and reminder alerts, too. Otherwise, I wouldn’t be showing up on meetings and events. Boo me.

That's it. Useless, aren't they? Haha. =D

Killing time,

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