Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Our Tenth Merry Little Christmas

Saturday, September 25, 2021

Random Thoughts

We have our regular sleeping positions at night. Lia on my right and Rocco on my left. The three of us in bed while daddy Rolly catches his Zzzs on his own mattress on the floor.😅 This has been the setup since the day we brought Rocco home from the hospital. For years, it hasn’t been easy to get a sound sleep, with all 4 legs finding their way to my chest or face. Many times, I wake up with two extra heads (now bigger heads) on my pillow, kaya pala hindi ako makabiling.😂 At pinakamadaming beses, I would wake up with an aching body because unknowingly, nagpaka-contortionist pala ako the previous night to make way for the malikot bodies of my kids while sleeping.🤪

Pre-motherhood, I used to treasure my sleep. And to be honest, I miss sleeping soundly. But that’s nothing compared to the joy of having little warm bodies wrapped around me every single night.🥰 Tiny creatures fighting over whom I should hug in bed, to whose direction I will face before we close our eyes, which body will share the bigger blanket with me because all three of us can’t fit in one.🥲

I hope this stage can last forever. Nalulungkot na ako agad thinking that one day, Lia would already want to sleep in her own room. Or when Rocco outgrows snuggles with mommy. But until that day comes, I will enjoy every uncomfortable night, and every waking day with an aching neck or shoulder. Because truly, these are the best days — and nights — of my mommy life. 💖

Sunday, March 28, 2021

Lia Turns Six

Today, our darling firstborn turns 6!  Happy birthday, Lia love! 🎂

Maybe the most overused phrase across many posts in this blog is "time flies" --- oh boy indeed, it does.  I still remember the day I gave birth to you.  It was an easy, peasy experience at the hospital, but the day we brought you home and onwards was an entirely different story. 😂 You were a tiny baby, with a tiny face and a big nose and puffy lips the moment you came out of my body. Hehe.  Now you're six, and moving up to Big School a few months from now. 

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