Thursday, February 14, 2019

Rocco at Four Months

Happy 4th month, our baby Rocco! 🎂

Tummy time expert! :)

So what have you been up to at four months? Well, lately we’ve been hearing you yell loudly when you get excited. Sometimes I even ask if that’s really you because it doesn’t sound as if it’s from a tiny person. You also laugh out loud already! As in halakhak! 😂 It’s like music to my ears, my little bungisngis, especially to your playmate Lolo Vic. 

In the evening, it’s good that you don’t shout when you want to wake me up. You just grunt a little and wiggle and jiggle until mommy notices. When I finally open my eyes and look at you, you would flash your sweet smile, as if asking me if you could have your milk. Very sweet and mabait! 💙

You now grasp things tightly, my love.🖐️ The hanging toys in your dino gym, mommy’s hands while you’re nursing, your burp cloth, anything that your hands could grab. When there’s a toy beside you in the bed, I could see you wanting to reach it but you can’t roll to your side yet. But we’ll get there, honey. We’ll get there. 

You are fond of chitchats! You always like it when someone talks to you. You easily get bored when you’re doing nothing, just lying down on your crib. You always want to be hugged and carried, without a care in the world even though you know you’re heavy.🤗 Hehe. You also prefer to be held sitting down, like you’re already a big boy. Well, you are a big 4-month old boy, so sige na nga. 

We can’t wait to witness more of your milestones in the months to come, love. We thank God that you’re such a healthy and happy baby. It’s a joy to just hold you and smell you every single day. Dad, mom, and ate Lia love you very much, more than we can ever say. Happy 4 months, bunsoy! 😍

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