Wednesday, September 26, 2018

My Birth Plan

I recently saw this meme online. 
I don’t know for sure how true this statement is, others say it’s a hoax for there is no simple way to quantify the pain of childbirth and the pain varies widely based on a huge variety of factors. But if there’s a grain of truth to it, won’t we, moms, want to minimize the agony as much as possible? Wouldn’t we want to make the experience as least tormenting as possible? I would. And this is where my birth plan would play a part. 

Monday, September 24, 2018

Almost 35 Weeks

Dear Dumpling,

Tomorrow, we'll be clocking in at 35 weeks already!🤰🏻 I gave birth to your ate Lia at 37 weeks, so I can't help but wonder if you're coming out at 37, too.  Perhaps you will? Because my belly looks like I'm way past due already! This bump you're making is incredibly huge that people always get the impression I'm about to pop any time.🎈  Are you humongous, my love?  The ultrasound says you're just the right size, unless you've accumulated heaps of fat after the scan.  To be honest, I am a little scared that I might need to deliver you via CS.  Huhuhu.  I hope not.  But if that's how God wants you to come into this world, then so be it.  As long as you are healthy and normal and happy, then it's perfect.💓

Friday, September 7, 2018

Buntis Memories With My Baby Boy👶

We are so excited about Dumpling's arrival!👶 We have a few more weeks to go and before it finally happens, hubby and I wanted to document my pregnant belly with our (still) family of three. We did the photo shoot at home when I was 31 weeks along.🤰🏻

Ate Lia's so giddy! :)
Bad hair day, but ate Lia doesn't care! =D
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