Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Rolly and Joycee in Bali

If February is the Love Month for most people, for hubby and I, it's November. And before November ends, let me post this shout out on the blog --- happy 5th anniversary, my love! 💗

For our 5th year, the anniversary getaway was in Bali, Indonesia, also known as the Land of the Gods (and rightfully so). We needed to take a break from the hustle and bustle of Manila and we both wanted some slow-paced days where it's serene and quiet.  Neither of us is a beach person, so we went instead to the mountains and the cultural heart of Bali --- Ubud.

Let me start with my favorite part of our short trip, our stay at the Royal Kirana within the Royal Pita Maha Relaxation Resort. The place was sooooo beautiful, the pictures just couldn't do it justice!😍The moment we got there, I already felt recharged! Hehe.

The lobby itself exudes tranquility 💓
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