Thursday, March 19, 2015

Buntis Memories

When munchkin and I were almost 35 weeks along, we had a maternity photo session to capture my buntis memories. :) I initially wanted to do the shoot at home --- in our living room, bedroom, and nursery --- but things didn't go according to plan so Rolly and I ended up at a photo studio.

These are some of our favorites from the shoot! :)

Obviously ready to pop! :)
Talk time with daddy. :)
That cloth. =D
Classic.  Rolly picked this theme.
Daddy and mommy. :)

When munchkin grows up, she will know for sure that she was inside that huge tummy. :) I never had that 'luxury' coz my mom didn't take any photo when she was pregnant with me. =/  

We love you, Munchkin! :)  We're almost there!!!


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