Friday, February 3, 2017

Grand Baby Fair 2017

If there’s one weekend when you could expect hundreds of moms and dads at a single location, it’s at the annual Grand Baby Fair of Baby Company! This year is Year 7, and it was held at the Megatrade Hall in SM Megamall last week, January 27-29.

This year, Baby Company took us to the skies with its theme around the world air-travel. All booths were dressed up as different places from Asia, America, and Europe. For my favorite brand, Belo Baby, the chosen city was Paris, and it was just so fitting! The setup was so posh and chic, you’d feel like you’re really in a French café sipping coffee and eating crème brulee while looking at the Eiffel Tower. Hehe.

Bonjour! :)
The Parisian cafe :)
The Belo Baby cart :)

Yep, there was even a mime artist! :)
Hubby and baby went to Paris with me! :)

Aside from the awesome booth, Belo Baby also held exciting segments for the shoppers! On Saturday, there was brand mombassador Kelly Misa and she talked about caring for baby's skin, based on her experience with son Tristan who uses the brand.
Mommy influencer Kelly for Belo Baby :)

Lia: "Tita Kelly, I hope to be as pretty as you when I grow up!" :)

Kelly and I with my colleagues Alex and Jem. :)

On Sunday, there was another superstar who graced the fair! It was no less than the Belo baby herself, Scarlet Snow!
"Hi peepow!"
Even though Scarlet was sick, she still made it to the event and as usual, she made a lot of people very happy!
With Scarlet were her ate Cristalle and mom Dr. Vicki Belo. :)

Dr. Vicki Belo and Ms.Cristalle shared some stories about how the Belo Baby brand was conceptualized. Did you know know that these products were really meant for Scarlet Snow? Dr. Belo only wanted all-natural products for her, so before there was Belo Baby, she would only import natural products from the States. Then one day they thought, we have the technology and our team of experts, why don't we just create our own line of all-natural products? And the rest is history. Now all of us here in the Philippines can easily purchase Belo Baby, crafted with care for your baby and the whole family! Formulated with absolutely zero harmful chemicals, meticulous moms can be sure that only the safest ingredients touch their little ones' skin. :)

Now back to the event (I easily get lost and start blabbering when I talk about Belo Baby, hehe). Other brands also boasted of nice setups at the fair.  These ones stood out for me.

But guess who took home the overall BEST BOOTH award?  Of course, it's Belo Baby! =P Congratulations to us! :) 

I wonder what next year's theme will be.  Whatever it is, you can expect another lovely setup and fun segments from Belo Baby, that's for sure. :) 


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