Saturday, July 9, 2016

Lia's Trial Class at Toddlers Unlimited

This morning was an exciting one for our little Lia --- she experienced being a schoolgirl for the first time! :) We scheduled a trial class for her at Toddlers Unlimited, an ISO-certified progressive nursery school in Alabang. We wanted to check how they do classes there and to see if Lia would enjoy. She joined the Saturday Playgroup class, a once a week program for 1 to 3 year old kids.

We were all super excited! :) Lia doesn't have a uniform
so she came as Sailormoon instead!  Hehe. :)

The first part of the one and a half hour session was all play, and I like it! I am a believer of learning through play, especially among very young kids like Lia.  The playtime was about 45 minutes long.

She's so happy with the different toys, she didn't know which one to play with first! :)
Look how small she is? She's the babiest in the group. 
She likes yellow! :)

After the playtime inside the classroom was some more playtime at the romp area! :)  It has slides, playhouses, rocking horses, and other super nice play equipment.  I myself even wanted to enter and play! :)
Lia will enjoy this more when she can already confidently run and play!
She's still a little wobbly sometimes.
The rocking horse was her favorite! :)

The kids only stayed at the romp area for ten minutes.  After that, they all went back to the classroom for the "Circle Time."  There, they sang ABCs and other nursery rhymes.  Since the theme of the current module is "My 5 Senses," teacher Erica taught the kids about the sense of smell.  

My baby's so attentive! :) #ProudMom

After Circle Time came snack time! Lia had mangoes and biscuits as her baon, hehe. After snack time was a short storytelling session, then it was time to sing the goodbye song. :)

It was a great trial class overall! :)  Teacher Erica is really good, the environment is neat and very conducive to learning, and the learning materials and equipment are of best quality.  I am actually already interested to enroll Lia in the next Saturday playgroup module which will start on July 30, but we're attending more trial classes in other playschools just to check which one best fits our preferences.

Here are the rates and module details of Toddlers Unlimited's Saturday playgroups. The price of the trial class is PhP800. :)

For the other levels (2x and 3x a week), you will find the rates here. :)

Thank you, Toddlers Unlimited! :)

Up next: our trial class at Gymboree! :)


1 comment

  1. Hi Mommy Joycee! How old was Lia here? :)


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