Sunday, October 4, 2015

Six Months

Happy ½ birthday, my baby! I can’t believe it’s been half a year since you came and added so much color into our lives. :)

So, what’s up with you at 6 months?

  • You already sleep through the night, like a full grown kid! You usually drift off before 10pm and wake up around 5 or 6am. Your dad and I are so lucky! Thank you for being so mabait, baby!
  • Speaking of sleep, you are already very malikot in bed. If before you would greet the morning at the exact same spot where you dozed off the previous night, now is a very different story. I’d often awake in the middle of the night with your fat legs on my face; sometimes it’s your head on my tummy, or your face on the side of my pillow. There’s not one night that you do not invade my space or your dad’s. Hehe. Don’t worry baby, it’s far from being annoying. We find your kalikutan cute, actually. 
  • You’re always drooling these days! It could be because you might be teething already. I’m not sure because I haven’t seen tooth buds coming out yet. You’ve also invented games with your mouth. Sometimes you do the “motorboat” with a “duck face” to match, other times you seem to be sucking your lower lip (as if it releases milk), and every so often you look as if you’re kissing the air with a matunog na matunog na smack sound. Lately, I always stick my tongue out when we’re playing to see if you will imitate. So far, you haven’t. Maybe that’s next on your list. :)
  • You’ve met Barney and Elmo and you love them! When the TV is on and either one is there, you are immediately hooked you don’t even blink. Your dad and I would do silly things for you to notice us, but you don’t, not even one glance!
  • You can almost crawl! I say 'almost' because what you do is actually wriggling and squirming to get from one spot to another, like a worm. :) So yes, you can "uod-crawl" already. :)
  • You used to be at peace with anyone holding you, but not anymore.  You now have what they call  'stranger anxiety.'  In Tagalog, nangingilala ka na.  You would look at unfamiliar people's faces with your brows arched and you'd cry, and those include your lolos and lolas. Oh well, this phase will pass. I've read that stranger anxiety can actually be a sign of healthy emotional development and attachment, it only means that you now understand the difference between us (or your yaya) and strangers, and you prefer us. I just hope this phase won't last too long because your grandparents long to hold you, too. :)

Yaaaay, there are so many new things about our darling baby at 6 months! Now I have to really prepare already because before I know it, you'll already be a year old! Whoooa, ang bilis bilis bilis!  

Your lovely and yummy birthday cake! :)

You're occupying more and more squares in that bed sheet, baby! :)

Happy mommy,

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