Wednesday, August 8, 2012

4 Years and Counting

*MUSHY ALERT!* Proceed at your own risk. =p

Today is August 8, 2012... four beautiful years since 888.  Oh, how time flies.  I feel like it was only yesterday when Rolly said he envied the man who would have the privilege to take care of me.  He said he wanted to be in that man's place, and that he was hoping to call me his girlfriend.  I shyly said yes, and we have been inseparable since.  Haaay, the memory still makes me giddy. *blush*

Now four years have passed, and three months from now, we are going to marry.  There was never once in the course of our relationship when I didn't think we would end up together.  I have always known he's the one.  In fact, even when he was still courting, I already knew.  God gave me signs though I didn't ask for them, I guess He just wanted me to see them and feel that this guy is the one He has hand-picked for me.  Without a doubt, I felt that.  And now we're here, delightfully engaged! 

In celebration of our one thousand and four hundred sixtieth day together, I'm sharing our engagement video, produced and directed by Al Cruz.  You have to congratulate me for keeping this private for months, though I've been itching to publish this the moment I got hold of the file. Hehe. Again, KESO ALERT guys!  The video is really mushy, so if this ain't your thing, do not, by all means, watch the vid. Don't say I didn't warn you. ;)

Three more months to go, and I shall be Mrs. delos Reyes! ;)  Happy anniversary, husband-to-be! 

Excited Bride-to-Be,


  1. This is wonderful! Congratulations Rolly and Joyce "bunso" as John calls you. I am sure he's very happy for you wherever he is. Best Wishes! - Cris

    1. Thanks so much Cris! I miss "Gwapo." :( Take care and keep the faith! :)


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